Tuesday, April 22, 2014


The food you eat can be the safest form of medicine 
Or the slowest form of poison

C-Carbonated Drinks
R-Refined Sugars
A-Artificial Sweeteners & Colors
P-Processed Foods

Our World Has changed grammatically for good and for not so good. We are surrounded by technology. We hear and see cars everyday filling our lungs and atmosphere with gas and pollution. I am not saying Cars cause global warming. That’s another issue. Scientists are always battling if Global warming is true or not or if the earth is always in a warming or cooling cycle. The Fact is we are polluting our beautiful planet. Cars are necessary and beneficial but many are driving their verticals just around the corner when they could take those five minutes and walk and get exercise.  

These foods are addicting and that's how these companies want it. If you crave it you'll buy it. These companies never want you to know about this eating disorder. If you need a fast food or processed food or Drinks to get through the day or week...You are addicted and even if it doesn't show on the outside you are still putting harmful things into your body which has lasting side effects. If you are defensive right now and making excuses you are addicted. Just Try going one whole week on A plant base vegan diet and you will see just how addicted you are. I am addicted too so that’s why I am doing the research and getting healthy.
It’s not a quick fix but it’s worth it.

There are many things that are poising our bodies and minds. It’s all around us from the water we drink to the appliances we use and to the media we are influenced by. Knowledge is key when it comes to a healthy body, spirit and mind. Our bodies are built to eat Raw and Organic Natural Foods.  Those fast foods can kill us. A plant base diet can heal us. 

Now if you don't believe me then check out these books and films I have arranged below. Your doctors are not trained to heal us but to prescribe for us. A Doctor is trained in the medical field and not in the nutritional field. They get little if any training in Nutrition. LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE AND MEDICINE BE THY FOOD. You are what you eat literally. 

The food you eat does matter. There are so many vitamins and minerals that people are just not getting in their diet. When someone is sick they seek a doctor and get prescribed pills and never even consider that their diet and environment is the very thing making them sick Doctors never prescribe changing a diet. THERE IS NO MONEY in prescribing lifestyle change and nutrition.

No one wants to change. People are getting sicker not healthier and medicine is not helping The Government has made it a law that only Radiation, Chemo and Surgery can cure cancer and that isn't True. Those can only cause secondary problems that will kill you.  There is not money for those industries in promoting Nutrition. 

If everyone knew that there already is a cure for all cancer's and all illnesses then these companies wouldn't be getting any profit. There is one pill for every sickness but that is not how the body works. 

You must stimulate the healing mechanism in your body and when you do it doesn't just heal one thing but your entire body is healed. Your body is already trying its best to heal itself by releasing toxins from sweat glands and other means but we block it with deodorant and keep putting the same CRAP into our bodies. We stink don't we? Of course we stink our bodies are filled with (CRAP). When you put crap into your body you smell like crap...

The only way we can heal our bodies is through a plant base organic Natural lifestyle. I am just hitting the TIP of the Ice Burg on this. There is so much you don't know and most people wouldn't take the time to find out because who really wants to give up their favorite drug... You have no idea how sick and bad you feel until after you are rid of all those toxins and poisons.

Our World was once pure and now it’s fighting just to stay alive. Our Water, Land and Air are not what they once were and it's affecting all living things. Our landfills are piling up with unnecessary plastic and Styrofoam materials that are also filling our oceans and killing our wildlife. It’s a really sad thing to find not only our earth is sick but so are we. You probably think I'm a tree huger and why is that such a bad thing to care. I live on this planet so shouldn’t I care about it too. We only have one planet. There is a better way to live then living by someone else’s Rules. I care about this earth and about my body so shouldn't I do the best things for the earth and my body. 

We are in the first generation where children will not live past their parents. That is shocking to me. The demand for obese caskets is sky high and only getting more and more in demand. And the age of those filling the caskets are only around 45 and as young as 12. That is unacceptable to me.
How come America is getting sicker and sicker when we keep putting more money into finding the cure for cancer? It’s obvious their poisons don't work.  They make us sick and end up killing us. They honestly only care about money and not helping us. We are NOT patients but Costumers. 

Some friends have asked why we are so sick. Is it all from chemicals around our environments and the pollution's everywhere..? No that's not all. Our bodies are amazing healing machines but when we put CRAP into our bodies it makes us sick and unhealthy and then we can be susceptible to sicknesses and cancers.  Our bodies need RAW Fruits and Vegetables and plant base foods. We need those Vital Vitamins and Minerals and nutrients   to keep our bodies looking young and healthy and full of energy. 


We have GMO foods everywhere now and it’s difficult to even find a great nutrient rich organic foods. Our food comes from companies or they call themselves farms. They travel to the market and by the time they get there almost 40 percent maybe even half the nutrition is gone because it takes up to two weeks to arrive. Hopefully your market suppliers are closer. Even buying from local produce is a better choice. Then the food sits in the store for a period of time and you come and buy it. You take it home and now it has if you’re lucky 30 percent nutrition. Oh but wait lets cook those leafy greens. Now you've cooked nutrition out of the plant.  Now our food has if its luck ten percent nutrition value if any. NO WONDER WERE STARVING. Our bodies are demanding more nutrition. BUT WAIT. Have you forgotten where this food came from? It was sprayed with poisons before arriving to the market. The soil it’s grown in has also been sprayed with poisons and pesticides. The soil is lacking nutrients and so the plants are not absorbing those nutrients. They are then sick and bugs love sick plants. They love plants that are dry and don't contain a lot of water and nutrition. SO farmer’s plants are being eaten and companies are just happy to sell them more pesticides. WE CONSUME these SICK plants. ARE You SHOCKED that our society is so sick.

It gets worse. The National health organization suggested human beings should be consuming more water and around 80% fruits and 10% vegetables and 10% whole grains and legumes, nuts and seeds in a daily diet. But sadly we are consuming a diet not meant for humans. THIS MAY SHOCK YOU and you might disagree but i have done the research so you do yours and make sure you see who founded the research you are reading.
The human diet is out of control. Human beings are substituting Soda,Beer,Wine,Tea,Milk,Energy drinks INSTEAD of water. Then we consume 80 to 90% protein coming from eggs, dairy and meat when it has been proven that these things can cause cancer growth and many other medical problems. According to the National Health organization Human beings need to consume 5% protein a day. Our bodies even make protein so even less. The Meat and Dairy industry has lied to you so you will buy their products that can make you sick and even kill you. There is no Medical term for Protein deficiency. The Meat and Dairy industry is also working with many medical industries to gain profit. I am just touchy the tip of the iceberg on this.  

I will continue this discussion in another post.

 About the Gerson Therapy

The Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.
With its whole-body approach to healing, the Gerson Therapy naturally reactivates your body’s magnificent ability to heal itself – with no damaging side effects. This a powerful, natural treatment, boosts the body’s own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy in the 1930s, initially as a treatment for his own debilitating migraines, and eventually as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes and, most famously, cancer. Please watch the Gerson Miracle Documentary and Research this amazing cure. The Success rate is amazing. Almost 100% of patients recovered after visiting Doctor Gersons Facility in Mexico. You can research Dr. Gersons statics for yourself and read his amazing book. 



Listen to Albert Einstein

SO what are you waiting for........look for the truth about real health...knowledge is key...Dont let the lies and propaganda keep you from feeling healthy and alive. Of your not sick then your Not buying their pills. This is the cheapest diet ever. Isn't your health important. Isn't paying for quality food better then surgeries, pills and drugs later. You matter and you are imoportant and no one should tell you different. Eat food that are alive and make you feel great not just while your eating it but the entire day. 

Think Healthy Thoughts and Be Happy... :D

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